Leadership in BCHEF is accomplished through the Council, consisting of several husband and wife couples. As vacancies in the Council need to be filled, the current Council members nominate and fill those positions. Council members are required to sign the Statement of Faith, have at least one year of home education experience, and be a member of BCHEF for at least one year.

Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in the abundance of counselors there is victory.
(Proverbs 11:14)




Tim and Rose Wheeler

Tim and I both graduated high school with BCHEF; Tim in 1999, and myself in 2005. We married a few years later and inevitably had three beautiful boys: Ezekiel (9), Isaiah (7), and Enoch (5). We decided that homeschooling was best for our little family when Ezekiel was 4 years old, after a short stint in Pre-K at a local private school. The responsibility of running BCHEF was passed on to us in early 2017, and we have been working hard to breathe new life into this organization! It’s been a great adventure so far, and we look forward to what the future may hold.

Rose also currently holds the position of BCHEF Activities Coordinator. If you have any questions about our events, classes, or calendar, please contact her at bchefcouncil@gmail.com

Vice Chairman/President

Richy and Randie Nichols


Council Member: Field Trip Organizer

Bill and Alicia Shupe

Alicia organizes our Field Trips and Mom’s Night Out! Please see our Events page for more information, or contact Alicia with questions at shupe.alicia@gmail.com .

Council Member: Treasurer

Council Member: Treasurer

Arthur and Jessica Baber

Arthur and I got married in 2007 and have 4 little boys together. I attended public school growing up, and he graduated from a small Christian school. We decided to give homeschooling a try when our oldest son was ready for school, and we keep finding more and more reasons to keep going. BCHEF has been such a blessing to our homeschooling experience, and we are excited to join the council and contribute to its success.

Arthur and Jessica are in charge of our finances and membership applications. If you have any questions about your membership or fee, please contact Jessica at jessicadanae2003@yahoo.com .